Size | Light | Hardiness |
40′ to 70′ | Sun to partial shade | Zones: 4-9 |
# Per Bundle | Bundle Type | Size |
25 | Seedling (S) | 12″-18″ |
25 | Seedling (S) | 18″-24″ |
25 | Seedling (S) | 2′-3′ |
25 | Seedling (S) | 3′-4′ |
Multistemmed is desired; native; graceful branching; easy to transplant; best not to prune in spring – sap “bleeds”; heat tolerant; cinnamon brown exfoliating bark; may drop some leaves during dry weather; seeds attract birds. Has a golden yellow fall color. Leaves are yellowish-green, whitish and hairy underneath. Fruit is small catkins, twigs are reddish-brown and bark is reddsih-brown to salmon colored, thin papery peeling into curls.