Spruce, White
(Picea Glauca)

Picea Glauca


Size Light Hardiness
40′-60′ Sun/ light shade  Zone: 2-6
# Per Bundle Bundle Type Size
50 S 3-0 9″-15″
50 TR 2-2 7″-15″
# Per Bundle Container Type Size
1 Gallon 1C 15″-18″
2 Gallon 2C 18″-24″

Medium to large-sized, averaging 18 m (60 ft) high, evergreen conifer with a relatively uniform, conical crown. Branches spread slightly downward. Branchlets slender, light brown or pale, sometimes glaucous, hairless. Needles borne on woody pegs. Trunk bark thin, gray-brown in color, smooth, later flaky or scaly.